Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gift club

I follow several blogs, mostly food blogs because.......well.....I LOVE FOOD!  Food is beautiful, healing (emotionally AND physically), delicious, sexy, soulful etc etc I could go on but I will spare you.  Over the holidays I had sent the hubs a very subtle email with a link to a new gift program one of my favourite food bloggers, Joy the Baker, had started.  I often send him emails with links to things I like. I like to think that I am doing him a favour.   This way he doesn't have to try to figure out what is on my wishlist because he has it right there in his inbox :)  It's my gift to him! 

Well it just so happens that when he went to purchase the gift subscription for me for the holidays it had closed to new subscribers :(  However, he did mark on his calendar when subscriptions would open again.  Well that time came and he went to sign me up and they had closed again.  Bummer!  He ended up emailing the blogger and telling her the situation and she signed me up and gave him kudos for being a good hubby ;)  So YAY I was so excited.

Well the gift club is a quarterly thing, so by the time it came for the gifts to be sent out I had forgotten it was coming!  Which is fabulous because when the box arrived in the mail I was surprised :)  I love surprise gifts, even if I had signed up for it.  It was a fabulous gift that included a recipe postcard personally signed by Joy the Baker herself.  I loved everything in there and was anxious to try the recipe.  It just so happens that the very same day her cookbook had arrived in the mail as well.  It was a Joy the Baker kind of day at our house! 

I put the recipe card aside and only just pulled it out the other day to make the cupcakes.  I will post the cupcake results next time but I really wanted to share with you what was in my gift box.

Here is how my lovely gift was packaged

Here are the contents of the box, except the book which was bought separately by me from Amazon :)
1. Chocolate sprinkles
2. Double-dutch dark cocoa
3. Espresso Powder
4. Pastry scraper
5. cupcake liners
6. recipe postcard (personally signed)
7. $10 gift card to King Arthur Flour

I was so excited by this gift, even the hubs was excited for me (and for him, the cupcake recipe was right up his alley ;) )

If you are interested in joining this gift club you can find information at Enjoy!

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